Do You Want To Find Out The Best Way To Start An Essay?

Starting an essay of at any level can be a bit tricky, especially when you are not organized, motivated and inspired to write an essay. This is not something to worry about as you can start with an exceptional essay just by showing some determination, quality work and above all hard work. Essay of any type and any level begins with an ‘Introduction’ and then comes the other main sections. Introduction of any essay is very important as this is the place where you try to involve and convince the reader to read till the end. If you are poor in your introduction, then surely the reader would show no interest in reading any further despite the fact that the rest of your essay is outstanding. On the other side, a poor introduction would also let you earn lower marks and your supervisor would also have the same feeling as that of a general reader.

Best way to start an essay:

Following are some of the key tips, which will help you in the best way to start your essay:

  1. Have a clear understanding of the assignment – A lot of students make the mistake that they straightaway jump to the actual writing thing of their essay. Rather, they should first brainstorm about the idea and the approach they should adopt for the writing of their essay. Critically analyze the key points of your essay and think that what will be the ingredients of your introduction part and the rest of your essay.

  2. Master the different types of essays – There are several types of essays such as persuasive essays, analytical essays, expository essays, research essays, compare and contrast essays and so on. Check first that under which category your essay is categorized. Learn the key points of writing that essay before you begin the actual writing part.

  3. Defining your audience – The audience of your essay can be your supervisor, classmates or any experts in the field. If you are writing for experts, then forget about defining the basic terms. If it is for classmates then do explain everything. For the supervisor, you have to write as per the instructions given by him. If it is a research essay, then you have to be very critical in your approach and have to include everything that can be a part of the essay.

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