A narrative essay is a particular form of academic paper that will require you to examine a particular topic, and describe it in much the same way as you would when telling a story. You do not necessarily need to use a fictional topic, despite the fact that you will be using a story-like way of writing this piece of work. In fact, you can look at factual topics, as well as occurrences that happened in the past.
If you have not been provided with any instructions relating to what topic you should choose, and instead you have completely free rein, then this can provide you with a wide range of different topics and ideas you can use. You may wish to use your imagination in order to think of a particularly interesting idea that will appeal to you, as well as one that you will enjoy writing about. Furthermore, using various brainstorming techniques can be a great way of coming up with excellent attention grabbing ideas that you would like to use.
To give you some ideas of what you could write about, the following lists 20 different topics that would be suitable for a narrative essay.
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